My name is Devo (short for Devorah) Klein, I was born in Baltimore, MD, and moved to Israel in 2006 when I was 5-years-old. Since I was a young girl, I always loved writing, and throughout high school, it became a creative outlet for me. After graduating high school, I began working for the incredible organization United Hatzalah as my national service. I was involved in many media-related campaigns and events, but for the most part, I wrote over 100 articles, some of which were published in publications like the Jerusalem Post, JNS, and Yeshiva World News. The stories were mostly life-saving stories, like successful CPRs, rescue missions, and labor. After talking to so many volunteers and writing their stories, I decided to start volunteering myself. And so, in September 2021, I received my EMT certificate and began volunteering.

Today, I am a student at Bar Ilan University, studying Communication and English Literature. I still volunteer when I can, but when I'm not in school, I work as the commissioner and field manager of a few flag football leagues under AFI. I still write often, around 2 papers a week for my literature major, but now this blog will come back to life, following the request of my journalism professor.

Devo Klein

Devo Klein

“You can drive all night, looking for the answers in the pouring rain…” (Cage the Elephant)